Much, much later, when the manner of changing regimes in this country was done through a less garapal way, the elites discovered another set of G's. The all powerful three G's of Philippine elections — Guns, Goons and Gold. Guns and goons were basically one G. One is just more effective with the other. Gold is still there shimmering in the glow of its yellow magic. With guns and gold employed in the hugely popular and festive electoral game, oligarchs, landlords and warlords claimed the formal seats of power and created the illusion of legitimacy in raping our motherland.
Today, there really could be three G's after all. Guns, Gold, and Graphs. Presenting, the oracles of the modern age of Philippine politics: SWS and Pulse Asia. These two firms have been keeping the political elite on their toes, praying to whatever gods there may be to bless them with favorable public opinion as regards their most cherished concerns.
With the 2010 elections just around the corner, SWS and Pulse Asia surveys on the Presidentiables are becoming even more precious to the wannabes. It's good propaganda to be at the top of these public opinion surveys. With Ms. X at the top, she can:
1.Fill herself up with hot political air to rise to the political heavens, i.e., begin to think that God is giving her a sign to run.Consider this latest piece on the SWS... Favorites are leading the prexy pack. But let us must not make too much of a fuss of these results. Let's not be carried away by the bandwagon, as it were. After all, the graphs only suggest a certain direction and not a CERTAINTY.
2.Use that popularity as a leverage in negotiations with possible supporters and edge out other claimants.
3.If she loses, especially with a narrow margin, claim that she was cheated.
It would be more important for us to know how these Presidentiables stand precisely on the issue of Charter Change. If we knew how they stood on this matter, then perhaps we can make a more intelligent choice, especially if we take into account these interesting findings from PULSE Asia (February 2009):
Most Filipinos (57%) know little about the 1987 Philippine Constitution
A big plurality of Filipinos (42%) is against charter change now while a sizeable majority (64%) does not think it is appropriate to amend the 1987 Constitution at this time
Economic improvement is the top reason cited by those favoring charter change while those opposed to amending the 1987 Constitution think it is good enough and would like to avoid any chaos that may arise from changing the country’s supreme law
Filipinos favoring the constitutional convention mode to amend the 1987 Constitution outnumber those supportive of the constituent assembly option (69% versus 31%)
Nearly six in ten Filipinos (59%) do not agree with proposals to shift to parliamentary and federal systems of government
Huge majorities (77% to 84%) oppose specific proposed constitutional amendments having to do with term extensions and foreign ownership of lands. Nearly four in five of Filipinos (81%) are not in favor of extending the term of office of national and local elective officials, and 77% do not support moves to allow elective officials to run in the elections as many times as possible. Both proposals are opposed by considerable to overwhelming majorities across geographic areas and socio-economic classes (68% to 92%), with non-support being most pronounced in Metro Manila. In contrast, these proposed changes to the 1987 Constitution have the support of 19% and 23% of Filipinos, respectively. Visayans are most supportive of these proposals (28% to 32%). As for the proposal to allow foreigners to own residential and industrial lands, majorities ranging from 81% in the rest of Luzon and Class E to 90% in Metro Manila are against this proposed amendment.
The use of surveys as instruments of social science must be considered properly.
Truly,public opinion polls can help us make more intelligent decisions. But let us not turn the elections into a popularity contest by simply basing our choices on who are more popular in these surveys.
If we believe these polls blindly, why still hold elections? Bakit pa tayo magsasayang ng oras at panahon. Let's just commission the SWS and Pulse Asia to do the surveys and let them declare the new president. No need for automation. Less corruption.
Graphs are not there to scare us to a forced choice like Goons, or to tempt us into a sumptuous spot like Gold. Graphs are a guide. Let us be guided accordingly and put people's issues at the top of the electoral discourse.